Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas 2007

This was our first family Christmas at home. It was really nice to have the kids wake up to Santa's gifts at home. The kids really "got it" this and went to town tearing open presents and loving every minute of it.

Noah is Growing Up

Here are some pictures of Noah in December. He a very happy baby and extremely laid back. The kids just adore him and take great care of their little brother.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thanksgiving in Kansas

We drove 9 hours in the van to Kansas for Thanksgiving. It actually wasn't as bad as it could have been considering the fact that we were traveling with 2 preschoolers and an infant. Anyway, we all had a great time visiting our family. Thanks to Shanon and Jeff for being such awesome hosts for dinner. And thanks to Mike and Robin for some great entertainment.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Noah's Baptism

Noah was Baptised on November 11 at Our Lady of the Greenwood. His Godparents Jim and Carolyn are friends from church. We have gotten to know them over the past 3 1/2 years since they absolutely adore Dominic and Brianna (and Noah of course). They are great Catholic role models for our children and we adore their family.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Our Newest Family Member

Noah arrived at 7:07 am on Sept 4. He weighed in at 8 lbs, 7 oz and was 20 inches long. The twins just adore him (and his parent do too). He can sleep through anything (including Dominic) and has a healthy appetite (mom is up every 3 hours).

Monday, August 27, 2007

15 Days and Counting!!

We are awaiting the arrival of the newest member of our family. The kids are really excited and have a chart counting the days until the baby's arrival, although mommy is hoping that it comes sooner than later (it's been a really hot summer). We have purchased a new (new to us) minivan so that we have plenty of room for everyone and the twins love it. We will of course update everyone with pictures once our bundle of joy arrives.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Big Kids

Here we are sitting on our new Big Kid beds in our Big Kid room. We even helped paint the walls.

Enjoying a popcycle on a hot summer day.

Eating every last bite then licking the stick.

Dominic takes his time with his popcycle.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Water Fun!

Who wants to get wet? Brianna has no fear of the water and joins in right away. Dominic is a bit more hesitant.

Cooling off in the summer heat.

The water train at swimming lessons. Look at us go!

Dominic learns to float on his back with Kristen (his instructor).

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Having Fun with Friends in the Neighborhood

Look at me. Brianna just finished playing in the sprinklers and then heads for the playground.

Master climber and slider Dominic follows suit.

Mowing the lawn while getting a tan.

Brianna riding in Ben's motorized Jeep.

Dominic riding with Ben. Who said that women are crazy drivers? Watch out Ethan!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Dominic and Brianna on Wheels

Roller skating on the sidewalk with our skates from Grandma and Grandpa.

Brianna showing off her skills.

Well, maybe we need to practice a bit more on those skills.

Dominic feeling pretty confident.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Spring is Finally Here!

Dominic and Brianna both pitching to Daddy.

She's a natural. Look at the way she commands that bat.

Brianna loves to kick the soccer ball. She actually knows how to dribble. We'll probably enroll her in the YMCA Preschool clinic this fall.

Dominic loves to watch Daddy hit the ball. He's not too bad with the bat either.

This is so fun!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter Morning 2007

The Easter Bunny was very generous to everyone this year.

Of course we had to dig into the candy right away. Who could resist all that chocolate?

Choco-holic Brianna with Cadbury Creme egg all over her face.

Dominic finds an Easter egg.

All dressed up for Church. Don't we look GOOD!