Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Spring is Finally Here!

Dominic and Brianna both pitching to Daddy.

She's a natural. Look at the way she commands that bat.

Brianna loves to kick the soccer ball. She actually knows how to dribble. We'll probably enroll her in the YMCA Preschool clinic this fall.

Dominic loves to watch Daddy hit the ball. He's not too bad with the bat either.

This is so fun!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter Morning 2007

The Easter Bunny was very generous to everyone this year.

Of course we had to dig into the candy right away. Who could resist all that chocolate?

Choco-holic Brianna with Cadbury Creme egg all over her face.

Dominic finds an Easter egg.

All dressed up for Church. Don't we look GOOD!